Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013; A Different Year :)

It was truly an amazing year that is going to come.

What a year, 2012 was.
A year when I learned so many things about life, love and relationship, family, finance, friendship..
Though it was pretty much a tough year going through so much challenges, scoldings, pain, injuries, and failures; but it can't never ever stop a man like me to keep moving in my life.

Some people thinks that; life just has to go on.
Let me just remind those who are reading; life has to go on not because you have to, but it is because life is a journey where you would reach the purpose of your life and when you reached it, you know you are there, doing all the things that you were born to do it.

This year helps me to understand a lot about life, where it is not so much of you being the best of who you are. It is how you are the best you are at all situations. It is when you are down on the floor, yet no one dare to step on you because they know; you will stand up again and stronger,

So much about family, that I know that the strongest bonding besides parents and children, it is the bonding of brothers/siblings. Despite all the things I am going through, my brothers are always around me, covering me, supporting me and they are just, amazing.

Learned so much on finance, something that I need to work on it this year. I'm already 24. Time to save more for; future, marriage, investment, and leisure with loved ones.

Friendship, it is truly important to have real, true and good friends.
One biggest revelation is that; a true friend is not a friend that gains advantages from you, but they benefits you in every aspect that they can.

Love and relationship. I am finally together with the girl whom I have stalked for many years. She's truly an angel, loving, caring, and one that locked my heart so much that I truly wanted to just settle down, and give her the best that I can.

Looking forward to spending the rest of the year with greater achievements, quality time with loved ones and family, building myself to become a stronger; David Teh.

2013, I am ready. =)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It has been so long since I last updated my blog, and I think it has been pretty a tough season for me though. Thanks to those who have been walking with me, being there for me, never give up on me, and trusting me.
Anyhow, thank God for always giving me chances, the mercy that renews every morning, and also the everlasting love that always empowers me to keep going for Him.

I have been trying to be strong, or perhaps to act strong. Nevertheless did I know that if I want to be strong, I can only rely on Him and not myself. Too many of times, I tried to hold things back to myself and tried to solve it my way, but little did I know there was a bigger picture out there which I need to understand. As I allow all these feelings to grow by itself as I didn't solve it the right way, things just go out of control and I lost my way.
I am glad I am taken back "home" once again. I might need some time to have a great escape, to calm down myself, and to find back who I was meant to be, and who I was made to be by God.
I need to find back the real me. Every single time when I failed, then I need to try harder. It's the fact, that is why people say that "Things that doesn't kill you will only make you stronger" Isn't it true?
When you fail, it doesn't kill you and in order for you to achieve what you want, you will try harder. If you are not stronger, you won't be able to try harder. That's the fact. =)

I don't know what drives me not to sleep but to write on my blog today, but I guess someone out there might need some encouragement. Today I shared something through my tweet...

"It always take time to know God's plan for us because His thoughts are far higher than ours and that's why,patience and obedience is important."

Often, we try to do things out way, plan out what we want, and do what we want.. Yet, sometimes we forget again that there is someone there watching, and guiding us.. After half a year, I see the bigger picture that God has for me of which I didn't see when I was so depressed half a year ago when I got the news that I cannot further my studies straightaway after my diploma. I was so depressed because I don't know how to speak to my parents, my brothers, people that have always think highly upon me, as well as people who have despised me. Yet today, God still uses me, and made me someone that is strong in the marketplace. At the same time, my performance is so good that there are plenty of people offering me job and I was even headhunted for the position of a manager. If I have not cling on to God till today, I don't know what could have happened. 

Tough time nor bad times, trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not lean on your understanding but in all ways acknowledge Him and He shall straighten your path.  

He is a true God, a Father of all. 
Thanks Father.... =) 

At times of difficulties, He is the deliverer..

At times of pain and sicknesses, He is the healer...
At times of disappointment and despair, He is the hope... 
At times of doubt, He is the faith... 
At times of loneliness, He is the hand that grabs you tight...
At times of discourage, He is the strength that keeps you going...
At times of lacking, He is the provider.... 
What's there to worry then? 

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Thought you want to be strong?
Thought you said you won't be affected?
So what if nobody cares?
Stick your face back to your notes then.
You have to clear up the shit that you have done.
Don't let that shit keep clinging on to you again and again.
Hello AES, I seriously don't wish to fail you again.
Hello Mr. Boss, don't say sarcastic words. Your sorry is very, not sincere. But it's okay, I care for the company, not you.
Enough for the day, sleep, get up, study, and clear it up....
Monday will be a good day..

Friday, December 30, 2011

Walking through.

It's not just a rain, it's a heavy rain storm.
Lightning and thunders, heavy rain falls, seems like it's flooding.
Yet, I have to walk through all these.

Having a tight schedule.
Tomorrow morning have a meeting.
Coming Tuesday have to go Penang for a meeting and rush back.
Then, Thursday which is 7 days to my first paper, Maths V.
Following next paper would be 11 days away, Applied Engineering Science.
The paper which I have failed many times.
This time round, God, can you give me more strength, more wisdom to go through it?
I can't seem to take it anymore.... I want to overcome this two papers and then focus back on work and ministry.. I can't focus on too many things..

My GM is leaving, my boss have been throwing things all to me..
I have to do handle so many things at once...
I can't do it alone o Lord...

" Lord, truly I surrendered myself to You...
  I am believing in You... and having the faith in You that this time round,
  I will be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath!
  I will overcome it! =)

  In Jesus name I pray, Amen. =) "

Friday, December 23, 2011

Winter Solstice 2011

It's great to have one of my housemate to cook glutinous rice ball for us this year.
I still remember last year he was the one EMO, and together with some others, we deliver to his house before we became housemate and also roommate.

They are just so cute. If it's for me, I would just make the traditional one with no extra paste, and it will only be pink and white which is just like what my mum always make for me.

Though it's been 3 years since I last ate what my mum cook for Winter Solstice, my mum actually asked my brother to send me a MMS!
They are just so loving, and I felt warmth seeing this photo. Thanks Mum. I love you. =)

Well, last night I somehow ended up crying because I missed my grandpa again. Anyhow, one day, one day ah gong, we will surely reunite again. =)