Friday, August 13, 2010

[13.08.10] Friday the 13th? versus Unpredictable Life

So, there were a lot of legends and myths regarding to Friday the 13th?
Well, whatever it is, I don't really wish to get myself indulge into such an unnecessary thingy.
Even though, from the beginning of 12am Friday the 13th, a lot of things doesn't really seemed to be good.

Still, I strongly believe that life have ups and downs.

Life is Unpredictable. 

Everyone has their very own philosophy towards their life, lately, I myself is fond to the word COSMOLOGY
Been listening to Dr. A.R. Bernard's sermon over and over again. So, what's your philosophy??
Lately, I can't help but to have a lot of things running in my mind, almost all the time, 24/7.
Not a time for me to rest. Sometimes, I don't even know what's on my mind, feel like it's blank, but truly it seems like there is something.
Exam is just around the corner.
Anyway, I believe it's good to have a mind which is always brainstorming.
So, I would not run out of ideas? Hahaha...
Just as I was thinking of what am I going to share in my blog, suddenly I come across with this favorite poem of mine, which was by William Shakespeare.
I think it's pretty hard for me to really show you guys out the real thingy as it should have copyrights? I don't wish to get myself into certain copyright/law stuffs~
Haha... *cheeers*

Life's Brief Candle - truly indeed an amazing and unique thoughts/ point of view regarding life. However, there's one thing that I found out... In a play, you act according to the script given to you. How bout life? There are always choices among you. What have you decided?

Your TODAY, lies in the decision you made in the past.
Your FUTURE,lies in the decision you made TODAY.
The PAST, TODAY, and your FUTURE truly lies in something related to a thingy called CHOICE; your decisions during various circumstances in your life.

Why is it so bothering me with all this specific principal? Well, Dad spoke to me yesterday when he came to KL to meet up with his previous boss. So then, Dad asked me, "Why is your face looking so sharper and thinner?"
Hmm.. Daddy, can I tell you and remind you again that "My course is tough and stressful?"
I chose to study Engineering courses once again when I was rejected from the public universities for my interest in Teaching - especially English, and also my favorites of all time, Performing Arts - Music.
I also still remember, my eldest brother told me that,"梦想不能当饭吃“。
True enough, he made a point especially after seeing so many celebrities who perhaps took decades to reach where they are today.
I always have the dream, to be a famous pianist, to play a grand piano, in front of thousands of people..
Just like what people always see in an orchestra performance, with great strings instruments around and etc.
Of course, I wasn't born in a rich family of which the family would be able to just send you off abroad to places like UK or Vienna to really concentrate in Music. Still, it doesn't dries up the passion of mine in Music. It was then I have this dream, to build up a music school, and to give chances to of all the talented musicians in the world.

Why am I talking about all these things over and over again? Well, it's all about choices. I can choose to continue to hold grudges against my own parents on why didn't they earn more money and let me chase after my own dreams? Or, I can choose to do well in what I am currently in, and to continue to fight for my own dreams all by myself. Despite the difficulties that I struggle currently in Engineering studies, I would still persist and continue. I would not give up till the very end.

It has been getting tougher and tougher. Nothing gets easier. Just as my final exam for the 1st semester of 2nd year is just around the corner, or to be precise ; around 12/13 days before my first paper of Applied Engineering Science or you can just called it Physics. It's going to be a very stressful week on that 8 days from 26th August to 3rd September. I believe the stress is the reason that drives me to write my blog so long today and to have so much thoughts running in my mind? ? Yeah, perhaps.

No matter how stressful it is going to be, life has to go on, and I will continue to believe, that it is only for a season, a period of time, be patient and I will be an over-comer, and fighting strong.

Usually, in our daily life, whenever we come to meet certain undesirable circumstances, we always have the natural reactions of BLAMING OTHERS. I don't know why, then at times I do have such a weaknesses too. I would think,
"Why wasn't my parents was as rich as others?"
"Why I was never given this and that?"
Anyway, the only thing I kept in my mind is that

"I can't choose to be born rich or poor, but I can choose to die either rich or a poor.
It's not about how you start, but it's about how you finish it!
Come on David, you are just undergoing a process of growth, you will overcome it, you will move to another higher level experiencing breakthrough after breakthrough, and you will be successful in your life. 
Don't get discouraged or defeated by your current circumstances of lacking, but hang on and be prepared that you are heading towards abundance."

Life will be good, when you make a good choice.
I am glad that, I have make several good choice that keeps me so strong these days.
First of all, attending the church (CHC KL) though geographically, yeah, Sunway and Setapak.
"Father In Heaven, is it almost time for you to bless me with a nice car that belongs to myself?" 

Secondly, always determine and stay strong during my revisions and preparation for exams so that I can do well in my studies and have been scoring well. It will not end here, I will finish the race. I just want to hear Him say" Well done, my son."

Thirdly, mixing around with the right people that always reminds me of how the power of choice of mine can really keep me going. There could be people who might face something worse than me. There could be people who need my encouragement. There could be people who might be able to give me encouragement.

Last but not least, loving those whom I love. My parents, my siblings, my close relatives, my true good friends, cell group members, and of course, the girl whom I loved. Never regret, but it has been the best choice I have ever made.

These are all good choices I have made after all. All these comes, when I make the best choice of coming back to God, following Him so that my life would be back to the purpose I was meant to be.
All of these, truly keeps me going and strong.

Well, I guess today, is a great day because I am able to write so much in my beloved blog.
Truly a great place that I can placed my very own point of view ;COSMOLOGY?  without boundaries and limitations.
Anyway, those who are reading, you gotta digest it before you start applying what you read here. LOL...
To be continue =)

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