Friday, August 20, 2010


I am so close to my final examinations, just as I thought I have prepared myself emotionally, all out of a sudden I received a bad news... A god-brother of mine, ever since my age of 12, have just left me, left all the buddies, his own family, and this Earth. I just pray that God is with you, and you are going somewhere better. Supposed to hang out with him when he last came back from Philippine for a holiday, but then I guess something cropped up and I didn't get to meet up with him. I have not seen him for years.. Who would know that such thingy would have happened? Truly, life is unpredictable. He's just like my "tai kor" all these while.. He always care for me, protect me, especially always reminding me never to join gangster. Hahaha.... Anyway, thanks for his advice all the time.. If not, where would I be today too? Still, I missed the time I used to hang out with him during those rebellious days of mine..

Still, I really wish to tell him...
"Woon Eh, you are always my tai lou...thanks for your caring and advice all these while so that I always have a strong and good conscience.. Always knowing what is right and wrong... Never really walked deeply to the wrong road.. You are always like a close brother to me... Thanks for always being a good brother to all of us..all the buddies...May God be with you man..." 

Can't help, my tears just wanna burst out...How I wish that this news is just not true at all....
None of the buddies really know what have happened...Rest in peace brother...

This is the second time, someone whom I can called my brother left me... One was my NS brother, Ah Zai..
He met with an accident, died on the spot few years back...Now, another one left me..
It only tells me one thing, cherish the person around you... Who knows what will happen?
Seems like I'm emotionally quite down right now... My tears can't stop rolling down....

Though he wasn't my biological blood-relation brother, but I believe I always treated him as one who is...
I can't bring him back to life, but we will do what we can for your family tai kor...
Have a good rest, and may God brings you to Him...
Take good care... We miss you... =R.I.P=

Heart really aches for losing someone who is dear to me all out of a sudden...
It just happened too sudden...
All I can, is just continue to pray... Yeah, keep praying and keep walking...
Stop crying David... Just move on... Tomorrow will be a better day...
Cherish those whom you love...

Guess I should just stop writing... Let myself just have a rest...
Tomorrow, have to really get myself equipped for the battle that is coming...
Let's finish this race... Good night....

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