Thursday, September 02, 2010


I don't know why, I just felt so uncomfortable not updating my blog...
I slept only today morning around 7a.m...
Then ended up being waken up by some people for my dad's stuff..
Later on, suddenly wake up and found out that my Plurk account went crazy as it keep posting up all the ancient posts that has been like, few days and etc... >_<"
I don't know what's wrong...
What I can say is that the connection has been really bad lately...

When you find someone to chat over at MSN, bear in mind.. They might not receive anything from you...
So.. that's why sometimes I guess when I try to chat with people, no one replies me...

Finally, my last exam paper...
Then, my CLT papers and assignments...
The days of exhaustion is getting closer to its end..
It will then be a time for me to prepare myself for another new stage in my life which is; tougher and even more challenging..

Sometimes, my mind has a million of thoughts....
Sometimes, my mind just went blank...
Anyhow, I believe that many things is coming to an end...
I should then learn from my mistakes...
Start all over again... And never repeat it again....

Be strong David...
Finish it!


  1. siowchin here, hihi!
    you got the same blog music with someone, but i forget who is it already..=D

  2. hahaha...tis is a nice song wat... =p
    but how come,u so random one..suddenly drop by at my me a

  3. paiseh for the late, lol i m free so look around for blog to read lah..chill~
