Friday, December 30, 2011

Walking through.

It's not just a rain, it's a heavy rain storm.
Lightning and thunders, heavy rain falls, seems like it's flooding.
Yet, I have to walk through all these.

Having a tight schedule.
Tomorrow morning have a meeting.
Coming Tuesday have to go Penang for a meeting and rush back.
Then, Thursday which is 7 days to my first paper, Maths V.
Following next paper would be 11 days away, Applied Engineering Science.
The paper which I have failed many times.
This time round, God, can you give me more strength, more wisdom to go through it?
I can't seem to take it anymore.... I want to overcome this two papers and then focus back on work and ministry.. I can't focus on too many things..

My GM is leaving, my boss have been throwing things all to me..
I have to do handle so many things at once...
I can't do it alone o Lord...

" Lord, truly I surrendered myself to You...
  I am believing in You... and having the faith in You that this time round,
  I will be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath!
  I will overcome it! =)

  In Jesus name I pray, Amen. =) "

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