Friday, December 23, 2011

Winter Solstice 2011

It's great to have one of my housemate to cook glutinous rice ball for us this year.
I still remember last year he was the one EMO, and together with some others, we deliver to his house before we became housemate and also roommate.

They are just so cute. If it's for me, I would just make the traditional one with no extra paste, and it will only be pink and white which is just like what my mum always make for me.

Though it's been 3 years since I last ate what my mum cook for Winter Solstice, my mum actually asked my brother to send me a MMS!
They are just so loving, and I felt warmth seeing this photo. Thanks Mum. I love you. =)

Well, last night I somehow ended up crying because I missed my grandpa again. Anyhow, one day, one day ah gong, we will surely reunite again. =)

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