Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013; A Different Year :)

It was truly an amazing year that is going to come.

What a year, 2012 was.
A year when I learned so many things about life, love and relationship, family, finance, friendship..
Though it was pretty much a tough year going through so much challenges, scoldings, pain, injuries, and failures; but it can't never ever stop a man like me to keep moving in my life.

Some people thinks that; life just has to go on.
Let me just remind those who are reading; life has to go on not because you have to, but it is because life is a journey where you would reach the purpose of your life and when you reached it, you know you are there, doing all the things that you were born to do it.

This year helps me to understand a lot about life, where it is not so much of you being the best of who you are. It is how you are the best you are at all situations. It is when you are down on the floor, yet no one dare to step on you because they know; you will stand up again and stronger,

So much about family, that I know that the strongest bonding besides parents and children, it is the bonding of brothers/siblings. Despite all the things I am going through, my brothers are always around me, covering me, supporting me and they are just, amazing.

Learned so much on finance, something that I need to work on it this year. I'm already 24. Time to save more for; future, marriage, investment, and leisure with loved ones.

Friendship, it is truly important to have real, true and good friends.
One biggest revelation is that; a true friend is not a friend that gains advantages from you, but they benefits you in every aspect that they can.

Love and relationship. I am finally together with the girl whom I have stalked for many years. She's truly an angel, loving, caring, and one that locked my heart so much that I truly wanted to just settle down, and give her the best that I can.

Looking forward to spending the rest of the year with greater achievements, quality time with loved ones and family, building myself to become a stronger; David Teh.

2013, I am ready. =)

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