Friday, August 20, 2010


Well, I guess I am still in a depressed situation after hearing the news of the death of my beloved "tai kor" which means big brother... Not my biological brother, but he was someone who is just like my own big brother...
Read the news reported by the Philippines newspaper, and yet things are unknown yet... What really causes everything remained a mystery.. My exam is coming, and I knew that perhaps I won't have the chance to see him for the one last time and attending his funeral... Felt so sad and disappointed with myself... If I have already prepared well for my examinations, then definitely there's no dilemma of going back or not..
"Woon eh, I will study hard...I will and get good results..."

Today, I am totally down to zero... My whole body was totally out of energy after having a real bad stomachache since early morning... Then, knowing the news bring my emotions to zero too... Exam stresses are around me too... So many things around me... Anyway, this is just part of the progress that I always have to face... This time, I am not going to just give up, in fact I will keep on moving, and do well in my life...
I won't let people look down on me... and that's me... Having great faith, and I will accomplished great success in my life... All because I have a great God whom I know, He will bring me through all the trials and tribulations, all the sadness and depressions...

Just after I went out with someone, I took a LRT back.. Thank God it was a good time... As I was listening to some songs, quiet down myself, I can feel that there's a lot of things that I came to realize...
Do you love, or you sympathize on people?

As I am going out from the train, I saw a blind man.. I just walked him, and keep telling him there's staircase, hold him and so that he can walk... Then, I saw a very old uncle begging for money by the pathway... After walking for a few distance, I turned back and gave him some money..

Was it an act of sympathy or I love people? The first thing that was on my mind... "When you are rich, these are all the people you need to help!"

With great increase in the numbers of people falling into poverty, depressions and negative stuffs, shouldn't we learn to do something?

People always seek riches, glory and fame, but how have they used it?
Perhaps, most of the time people look for it for their own benefits...
Why not spare a lil bit thought about the others? Just a lil bit, this world would have become a wonderful place... Love the people... It was the Great Commission...
It's not sympathize, it's love...
Nothing would endures and last forever without love...
Sympathize is only a feeling that lasts for a moment..

The theory of love versus sympathize truly reflects in a relationship too...
Today, when you are together with someone, trials and tribulations comes, both of you are unable to go through it together... Couples these days always break up, and then patch back...
Such a thingy just go thru a cyclic process, and always returning to the same point..
What's the point?

Then, there's always someone who would tried to save the relationship and beg for forgiveness, promising of a repentance, yet always returning to the same old person..
Another party which is soft-hearted, someone would then give the chances, hoping that there will be changes..
Still, do you still love the person?
Some people never learn their lesson though everyone deserves a second chance..
Chances are golden, and shall be given wisely..
In a relationship, it's always out of love, and not out of sympathize..

What's your main priority in life?
I set love..
Loving the people.. Loving God..
Loving the woman whom I love... Loving my family.. Loving those who are close to me...
And everyone else..

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