Sunday, August 22, 2010


Pastor's sermon today, was truly rebuking me..
To stay strong, keep walking....
Many things I received today...

However, the loss of someone who is important in my life...
Somehow, affects me a lot..

Though we don't hang out all the time...
and have not hang out for a long time...
Still, I couldn't accept the loss all out of a sudden...
Emotionally I am still down...
Sorry to the people around me because I look so weary...

I don't know how am I supposed to just keep smiling and act like nothing happens..
Please allow me to have time to grief over it...
It's been days, and yet, my tears just burst out whenever I saw his photos...
And whenever I receive messages from his sister...
Or the things people posted on his profile...

"Woon eh...welcome back to BP...have a good rest....I believe this is the most comfortable place...Rest in peace..."

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