Monday, August 23, 2010


Today, was a day of restoration just as I have said back a few hours when it was still the 22nd of August.
Right now, it's around 3am ++, so the am actually helps me to explain it's early in the morning..
Yeah, you're right *winks*
So, finally I regained all my strength to really last long at night, and to do my revision...
I don't know how, but truly, I am sure it's from Him and the supports I have from people I love...

Well, just felt like talking so much to you tonight...
Guess tonight you are seriously too tired...
Tomorrow is another busy day some more...
Hmm... M.U.L.T... Know what's meaning?

My tai kor's funeral march would be tomorrow..
Can't send him off, but thanks to one of my friend who helped me to convey my message to him just now..

"Tai kor, I will go back and pay you my respect when I'm done with my exams okay? I will do well in my studies..Don't worry..."

Was chatting with one of my heng dai, and I don't know why, I just have this feeling that...
Just as we think we are sad, and the family are sufferings...
I believe, the one who is seriously crying badly and suffering now tai kor?

Bet that he got lots of things to tell his siblings and family members?
Especially his beloved sisters...and parents...
Perhaps, to all of us too..
Left without a words, I guess not because he don't wish to...
Maybe it's just he don't even know how?
No matter what...
I just hope that tomorrow would be a good weather...
And have a peaceful journey Tai Kor!
No worries... Take care..
May God be with you... and I love you Tai Kor...
You are such a good brother to me!

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