Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hello to my beloved blogosphere. Anyone out there reading my blog?
I hope the people are loving my blog.
Did you guys felt some stress and sadness from my blog lately?
Sorry if that affects your mood.
To be honest, I never thought of publicizing my blogosphere to the public all these while from the first day that I started writing blogs..
It has always been a secret little corner in my life where I pours out all my feelings because I used to felt that, I was isolated from the people, and I was the black sheep in the people I am hanging around with.
However, I guess I have already walked out of it after so many years.
I hope, people sees me grow, and the changes in my life would influence whoever is reading right now, and
would be stronger to go through the trials in your life..
would felt that there is still love in this world...
would know that it's not about the results, it's about the process..
would know that it's not about what you want, it's about what you need...

I was listening to Jaeson Ma's interview with GoodTV, a Christian channel. 
I am truly inspired by him, and there's a serious reminder towards me.
Live your life by examples, not by your words,preaching and etc. 
So, I would live it out, write it here, and hopefully it helps. =)

Well, David oh David...
Yes, I am telling myself that I don't left much time for my final examinations of this semester. 
Honestly, I do not deserved a good result this semester. 
I have a bad time management. Just as you can see, I left barely 48 ++ hours to my first paper, and I am still here blogging. Give me a break alright? I am just too stressed out. 
There's no place for me to shout out loud.. 
This is the place, that I have a total freedom to really speak out things out of my heart. 
So, give me a room of my own? =) 

2 more days to my first paper. - Physics
4 more days to my 2nd paper. - Thermodynamics
6 more days to my 3rd paper. - Maths
8 more days to my 4th paper. - Engineering Materials
10 more days to my last paper...- Quality and Production Control
And I am done.
Oops, bet that I am kinda forgetful? 
I have to resit my Cell-leaders Training Writing test on Sunday 2.30pm. 
I failed 3 lessons out of 13 lessons.
Stress enough? Yeah, I am.. 
How I wish there's some substance that I can take, which would keep me awake for these 10 days.
So then, I would be able to really enjoy a total number of 240 hours. 
Alright, cut the crap.
Right now, I have perhaps wasted almost 3 hours writing bullshits on my Facebook walls and now my blogs? 

After all...
I don't left much time, but I am going to finish this.. =)
Things would be good after these 10 days. 
Just hang on, and finish it.
I don't think I would love to sleep so much these few days.
I would focus more on my exam, and finish this 10 damned days. LOL... 

David, just 10 more days to go...
You have been strengthened, you have already been molded to withstand and to overcome this hardship that you thought it was too difficult right now... 
You have already been through part of the worst, you can do it once again...

Yeah...I can =) 
I am gonna finish it....  

*Sorry, it's all words and no pictures recently. I am just too busy for it.*

p/s : Have good chat with my friends, and also received some cool short messages. 
Nothing can beat me down. Just as I said, I am long prepared for what's going to come... =)

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