Wednesday, August 25, 2010

[25.08.10] - Starting all over again..

Sounds cool, isn't it so? Barely 24 hours away from my very first paper, I am here writing my blog.
Telling myself that, I am starting it all over again..
Isn't it surprising that when you somehow seems to have the ability to foresee what's in front there?
Yeap, I am not prophesying, I know what's gonna happened.
My results is not going to be that good anymore for this semester, I don't know about others.
This semester, it is tough. I need more time. But, time is running out.
Some people might be thinking that why am I then wasting my time here, crapping?
It's because I can't focus on my studies.. Too stressed?
I am fine, just how I wished my piano is here, so then I can play and reduce my stress a lil' bit?

Daddy mummy, and my beloved brothers.
If I didn't do well for these semester, sorry that I disappointed you guys..
It's just too tough.. and I didn't prepare well..
Those who have high expectations on me, sorry to disappoint..
Well, yeah.. I didn't prepare well..
Still, I will do my best after a short rest in a while more..

At times , I just can't believe my own eyes...
Not only I lost my god-bro, and now, the sweet moments with the person whom I love has come to an end..
And it all happens, just right before my final examinations..
How would you guys take it?

My blog has been like, essay writing lately?
I don't have time to decorate it with nice photos or any images..
I have millions of thoughts running in my mind probably each and every second..
I just wished to stop everything for a moment..
I need to get back to focus back on my exams..  

I am a sophisticated person, not because I am wearing a mask..
Just that, not many people truly understands me I guess.. =)
After all, after 12.00 am, it's a new beginning..
I am starting all over again...
I am putting everything to an end, and start all over again...
I don't know how did I manage to have such a courage, and to accept all the decisions made..
Still, this is what I have to do..


Nothing can beat me down...=)
I'm gonna finish this race..
Be with me o Father.. I need You!

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