Friday, August 27, 2010

[27.08.10] It's a new beginning =)

Yeah, it's a new Beginning. 
I am very sure that, many people are always puzzled by having this thoughts running in their mind..

"How come David can just start all over again, and keep saying it's a new beginning once in a while?" 


God's mercy renews everyday, and God is a God of new things.
I can't deny that despite I myself undergoing Cell Leaders Training in the church, despite I myself is being chosen to be a future leaders, it doesn't says that I am a perfect man who would never make mistake.
It doesn't meant that I have nothing else to learn, and I'm going to live based on my very own, wow-impressive-powerful philosophies~
I always need to start all over again when I made mistakes in my life, when I reached another higher level, and when I achieve something in my life.

You can't carry the guilt because of the mistakes you have made, and then to achieve success..
You can't bring the glory you have in this level, and go to another higher level...
You can't be who you are when you achieved something, and bring that pride in order to obtain another greater success...

I always remind one of my cell group brother, I told him that when you reached another higher level, you need to start all over again. You have a foundation, a strong one, so then you go to another higher level in your life, to achieve something greater. When you are now at another higher level, you need something stronger to keep you sustained, and to have a framework that is able to support you, because at another higher level you have a greater force above you, that is suppressing you. Therefore, there is actually a new foundation that has to be laid over your previous foundation, so that you can become stronger and to really do something greater. I guess I would just write more about this when I am more free, hahaha...~

I am currently facing my final examinations, so that's why my blog somehow looks like a journal more than a daily blog/ e-diary of mine. Sorry as there's no photos that made people felt...BORING...

Last night, I truly have a great time in my cell group. So if  you doesn't know what's a cell group, it is a gathering of a group of people, it is a place of fellowship. As the church is big, sometimes we hardly communicate with one another and to really share and to learn. Therefore, we are all being put into different cell group, we have a leader in every cell group, to learn bout the Words of God, to learn about other people's life, their encounter with God, and it is truly a healthy place to make new friends. =)
On the other hand, I have to say that it is a place, for edification and encouragement.

Back at those days in my life, the place I find edification is through my friendship/relationship.
However, due to various reasons, sometimes I felt that I am quiet confused over various philosophies, theories, and even opinions. I hardly make a good decision, and sometimes flow with my emotions a lot.
I am glad that today, I have a cell group, a healthy place where I truly find edification and encouragement that helps me to experience growth and expansion in my life, to who I am today.

My leader shared with us a great topic,"Be a good finisher".
Once again, God was speaking to me once again.

"Where are the things that you have set as goals and visions for this year?"
"What have you done so far?"
"Have you really been working hard on what you wanted and planned?"
"What are the things that you have started? Have you ended it greatly?" 
"Where have you put your Heart these days?"
"Are you distracted?" 
"Would you now, come back focused, and give your time to Me? Follow me?"

I received two great messages recently.
First of all...
It was by Jaeson Ma, a great hip-hop pastor.
"There's nothing wrong you can do to make God loves you less, and there's nothing you can do to make God loves you more."
And then another one, I can't remember where I got it.
"It's never too late for you to get back on track, and start all over again." 

 There are times when we got distracted, we lost focus, we neglected the things that we are actually fighting for, however, it's never too late for you to get back on track too.

Right now...
I left last 4 papers, and also 3 papers of my CLT, together with one CLT assignment.
(CLT = cell leaders training)

I will finish all of these, and then at the same time, build myself even stronger..
I have a great God who is with me...whom I am walking with each and everyday...
Each and everyday, I am learning, how to be a man after God's own heart.. =)

Time to start my studies once again.
Gambateh to my fellow Tarcians.
Be a good finisher.. =)

Last word from me..
"It's not bout how you start, it's about how you end!"

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