Saturday, November 20, 2010


hEllO to my beloved blogosphere! How's everyone doing?
It is more than a month since I last updated my blog yeah?
Well, I don't know if anyone is out there waiting for me to post up something interesting or meaningful, but I am seriously sorry that I have been busy... So much things to share, yet little time do I have..

So, what have I been busy lately? Right after my MESO night, then I continued busy with my cell group meetings, church stuffs like State of The Arts, and then continuing with my society's fund raising booths, and later on with all the mid-term tests.

 Yeah... all the freakish exciting mid-term exams that weighs a lot for our final examination marks! Phew... So no matter what, whether you know what to write or not, just write! Hahaha...

Actually, I believed that one of the reason that I started writing blog again is that, I need to warm up my fingers for some endurance races that is going to begin in moments soon. I would have to begin writing my English for Engineering long reports about Robots. It is a long report, produced from my own research, and it is around 2200 words long. That's not all, I have 3 other lab reports pending waiting for me to finish them, and also a 1500 words assignment that has to be hand-written!

Sounds like adding it up I can write up the first and second chapter of a novel yeah? Guess I should start writing novels or some fictions too! LOL!

What do I want to share tonight with all my fellow friends?
Sipping my favorite Chinese tea that my aunt from China gave us, enjoying it during a breezing cold night as it's raining heavily outside.
I love this feeling...
Anyway...this photo is only for illustration purposes... Or perhaps, for you guys who are reading my blogs, imagining how tasty is a cup of Chinese tea... Haha!

Most of the time, people always called me an old guy because I am always behaving like those who are elderly. Hmm... Anyway, that's me alright? Haha... Somehow, not a lot of elders would be writing blog right?
So I think I am not really that old after all.... =D

Lately, I just felt that there is a serious situation of danger around the place that I am living. My roommate's car was stolen by some jerks. Then, a church member was being surrounded by 7 guys, beaten up and robbed him of all his belongings. Next, another church member was robbed of his laptop when he was showing his kindness to a person who asked for directions. What's more, another girl's house was broken in by burglars, and running away with her laptops. Gosh... All of this happens in merely less than a week.
What's the fuss man!

So those who are staying in Setapak, if you have a girlfriend or close friends and family, spend some time and put in some efforts to accompany them around, go outside in groups, always be careful alright?
Spread this news around, it's for everyone's benefits =)

Hmm...what's next? It seems like people these days, are lacking of BASIC COURTESY.
When was the last time that you offer a help to someone else?
When was the last time you actually being kind to someone else?
When was the last time you actually praise someone? 
It's pretty disappointing when many people these days are eventually more than just selfish, but they are all being seriously isolating themselves, being so protective and self-centered. I told a friend of mine that, regardless how badly treated me, it doesn't and it never gives me a chance, an idea, or an opportunity to treat them the same way or attempting for a revenge.

I am not trying to be better than others, nor am I trying to be holistic and spiritual. You know.. a Holy Man?
No way!
Haha...How is this photo? Nice! Yeah! X = no man!
Guess I am running out of time to explain so much about it. Anyway, just want to let everyone knows a good respond that I once read. So, there was a reporter who asked a famous guy, I can't remember his name. 
This guy was a famous person in the Christian world, and being highly respected by many people. This reporter asked him that what does he think of what causes the world to be so wicked today, and is there any solutions and etc. GUESS WHAT THIS PERSON REPLIES?

He said something that has almost the same meaning as the world problems occur because of we, you, ourselves. If there's any problem outside there, look back at yourself. Most of it comes from we ourselves and not just others. 

We have been spending too much time thinking of what causes problems; from political influences, advancements of science and technology, bad parental teaching, mass media and all sorts of reasons. Yet, have we thought of ourselves? 

Whatever the reason is, I still cling on to one principal of my own. I don't live to harm others, but I live to help others. What I should do to the people around me? 

To do good.

It's not because I was told to, but that's what everyone was meant to. 

 People are in need of love and cares.

Why not give some out? The world would be a better place then.

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