Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Leaders; Humans too.

28th of November would seriously mark the beginning of I myself, officially being one of the church leaders.
I am glad and overwhelmed with how my members are willing to wake up so early in the morning, sacrificing their sleeping hours just to prepare my gifts, alphabets card of my name to cheer for me, and the presence of them just makes me feel so good.
As I promised them, I would stick it up. It's just right in front of me now. So, when I wake up nor before I sleep, I knew that I am leading a bunch of lovely people who loves me and cares for me. Therefore, I would also try and always review myself and care for them, shower them with loves.

This is my new bible. I believed that it is going to helped me a lot in understanding the word of God in a better way, as it is the New International Version. Besides, there are many beautiful pages specially slotted inside with special meanings. Truly, I am blessed to have it. No worries my beloved cell group members, I promised to preach to you meaningful and powerful messages anointed by God each and every time.

During my CLT, a phrase that I remembered the most is "Every pitfalls of the ministry depends on the leadership."

I would never deny this statement, and in fact, I knew it. Yet, what does it takes to be a good leader?
A great leader? Or people, are you looking for the PERFECT LEADER?

In my journey to be trained as a leader, and on my way now becoming a leader of many people, I always bear in my mind one very important thing. 

"Human can always disappoint you, so are leaders for they are human beings too. However, always believing and trusting in God, for He will never fails you nor disappoint you."
Well, I don't wish to see people thinking that though now I am a leader, means I am perfect all the time. There could still be time when I make mistakes, when my words would hurt someone, and there are times when I am not good enough. All these happens because I am still no one, but a human being. Not that I am a SuperMan, not that I am Jesus Christ, and neither am I born perfect knowing everything about everyone, and all the creations of the world, I am not God.

Today as some of you read my blogpost, you would see many of my very own principle in life that I would keep holding on till the end of my days. 

I know myself not as a perfect man, but a normal human being. Many are called, but few are chosen. Am I really chosen would depends on how long can I run, how much can I endure, and what God says in the very end. 

So, whenever I make a mistakes, I would not be rushing to fight for my own right, but I do not wish people to continue wronging me, blaming me, or to talk about it. Another principle that I kept in my life is that  I will always get myself ready to admit my own mistakes regardless is it really my wrong or not. Why is saying sorry so difficult? For some people it is, but not for me. 

I would always voice out my own point of view, and when it's not understood, I apologize and examine my doings ; am I really right or wrong? How should I change?  
If I were to blame someone over something, I would always examine myself too. 
Am I doing well enough? Am I showing the good example? Or am I the same too?

In order for anything to grow strong, and mature, they need to undergo pressures in life.
I was just wondering, any plantations, or even flowers, when they are planted on the ground or in a pot, do they have the right to choose whether what kind of stresses/ natural disasters and also environment changes that is going to befall on them? No, they don't. 

If they are planted in a four seasons area, they need to undergo the four seasons of summer, winter, spring and autumn. If they are planted in a monsoon country, they need to undergo the extreme coldness at night, and the killing heat in the daytime. That's life.

We can never choose what's coming, what's given, but you can choose how to face it.
As a student, I cannot choose the lecturers I want, I can't choose what subject not to take as I am in my diploma, I can't just avoid the stress that some of my lecturers given to me, I can't avoid certain circumstances in my life, but I can choose how to handle and face it. Never will I blame anyone for it, because I knew it is just part of a natural course in life. 

Before I head towards my bed to have a good rest and get up early to prepare for my presentation tomorrow, we need to always be willing for everything in our life.

Willing to face the bad and negative situations in life.
Willing to take up more responsibility and even to do more though you have so many things on hand already.
Willing to reach out your hand to anyone though people are not treating you that well.
Willing to love people though they are not lovable.
Willing to be obedient to God because He never lied to you, not once at all.
Willing to love God, because He loves you before you even start to love Him.

Willingness for everything would expands the capacity in you to be stronger in your life, and to overcome the obstacles in life that is beyond your prediction and controls.  

A leader too is a human. Manage your expectations.
Manage your life. Lead a life that God has planned for you would be the best of all rather than comparing and complaining. 
Life is good, when you chose to live it good =)

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