Friday, December 17, 2010

God spoke to me. And I cried.

I am currently doing my last second assignment, which is to do an analysis on a part designed to produce by using plastic injection molding process by putting a program Autodesk Moldflow Adviser.

My part though looks easy, but truly it's not. It was just too thick, and so called chunky. Not a good thing at all I guess.

My processor, RAM, is seriously slow. Anyway, no money to do anything to the computer yet and besides, this computer is a blessing from my brother. Just felt loved when I am using it. =)
Maybe my brother is reading my blog right now..It's okay.. 
Just to let you know that bro, thanks and I love you! Haha...

Men, or guys always have this problem.
Hardly show nor express their love, usually do it in a way that people never know. That's men? Love but never shows.
Gotta learn from God and His Son, Jesus too.
Who showed His love, by sending His only Son, and His only Son showed by dying for me, and the rest of the world. Touched? 

Alright, just let me get back to the theme for today's blog? 

Yes, God spoke to me again so strongly last week? I felt so strange and uncomfortable when I didn't write it on my blog to share with the world? Yeah, I hope that people around the world are reading my blog right now. 

No worries guy, I am not crazy till that I said that God spoke to me audible voice?
You gotta be kidding. Haha...but who knows? He is able of all things. His thoughts are higher than mine since the Heaven is higher than the Earth.

How many of you have watched Rapunzel? 

Truly, it was one of the greatest Disney's adapted cartoon that I have ever been so impressed with.

When I watched the movie, it was clearly reflecting the reality, don't you think so?
The world outside, is always so dark, so dangerous, and full of risk. 
Yet, was it what the world was meant to be? Nope. I know it is not. 

Anyway, I guess I should just get to the main point.
What God spoke to me? 

Just as the movie itself was already so touching, the scene when the King and Queen light up the lantern, having the whole nation to remember their long lost daughter is what and when God spoke to me. 

We always say God is in Heaven, our Father is so high above. 
Why not imagine God, our Father, is also just like the King and Queen who is in the castle? 

Whereas we are all, in fact, - yes, the lost daughter, or we are all, the lost children whom He is waiting for us to come back, never giving up and keep believing that though long lost, yet still alive and keep waiting.. 

Though we may have sinned, we did wrong thing, we gone bad, still He is there waiting for us, loving us, and having hope on us. 

God just tell me one thing.. "I am waiting for all of you to come back to Me. I am waiting, and never have I give up hope on any of you. So, you shall not give up on yourself too."

Truth be told, I am currently having a stressful moment. Another great challenge in life.
9 papers this semester, 6 for this semester, 3 for what I failed last semester.

I have fear inside of me, the fear that nearly draws me down to Hell.
But God rebuke me by telling me "Worries reduces your strength. Believe in Me."

He said, "I never give up on you, why have you given up on yourself and have fear?"
"I am waiting,  I have more things for you, persevere and I will reveal My plan to you."

People said being Christian was never easy. Yes, it is when you totally don't know why you are a Christian today.

Was it just because of the grace and mercy?
Was it just because of the blessings?

I am a Christian today because He saved me from the worst days of my life and truly, He made me realized that when He says He loves me, He truly meant it and He shown me.

When I sinned so badly, when I backslided so far away, He still calls for me.
When I repented, He touched me in so many ways of my life and rebuke me.
When I failed at times, He never failed to say "Try again my son."
When I am weak at times, He never failed to say "You can do it!"
When I feel like giving up,He never failed to stretched out His hands and say "Let Us do it again."
What can I say? He never forsake me. Never gave up on me.
He loves me. 
He is my Father.
He is my Creator.
Last but not least, I am His children. 

Thanks to my Father in Heaven. 

Those who are reading my blog today...

Disappointed with yourselves? 
Pray to God today.
Whatever it is, He is there, waiting for you to come back to His arms. 
He loves you.

It's Christmas. Be thankful. For the Son of God has came, gone through the life as human, tortured, beaten up, criticized, mocked, crucified, suffered, died and rose again, not for fun, not to prove anything, but just to let you know, HE LOVES YOU.  

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