Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A real story.

Despite the busyness doing my revision, I just want to write this story out of which I heard from Ps. Kong's sermon few weeks ago.

Our God is the Everlasting Father, and for He is the Everlasting Father, He is the one who can gives us Eternal Life.

The story happen in a church service at California, America. Just as the church service was about to end, the pastor of the church invited an elderly preacher to the podium to have a short sharing, and he introduced him as a very good friend of him since childhood.

So, the elderly preacher came up to the pulpit and started sharing.
"One day, a father and his son, as well as his son's friend went sailing to the Pacific coast. The storm suddenly came so fast. Even though the father was a very good and experienced sailor, he could not handle the boat as the waves are too high and strong. Just before they could do anything, the boat went capsized. The father then found the life line, and in fractions of seconds, he need to consider who shall he saves ; his only son or his son's friends?
It crosses his mind that his son is already a Christian, if he dies, he would be going to Heaven and meeting the Heavenly Father but his son's friend is yet a Christian. Therefore, he shouted at his son ," Son! I love you!" and then he threw the life line to his son's friend.

Right after that, as his son's friend were saved, he could no longer found his own son. His son has already drowned into the darkness of the deep ocean. "

Then, the elderly preacher finished his sharing, testimonial and goes down from the stage.
After the service end, two teenagers walked to the pastor and said "The story by the old man was good, but it's not realistic.How would a father sacrificed his own son and saved his son's friend just hoping that his son's friend would become a Christian?"

Everyone who is reading, guess what the pastor replied?
"The elderly man is the father in the story and I am his son's friend."

Today, is such a circumstance, or such a story truly happens in our life?
Yes, it happened. That's another reason why we celebrate Christmas.
Thousands years ago, God sent His only Son, come to Earth, and then suffered, crucified, and to save us as well as to cleanse us from our sins.

He chose to sacrifice His own Son, His only Son, for us. 
Why does He do that? To save us. To have a relation with you.
That is why, Christianity is not just a religion, it's a relationship. =)

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