Friday, December 31, 2010

A new year coming =)

Just as a new year coming, hence the new year comes with more new plans, strategies and etc.
As for me, I would finish up my examination first, and the result obtained would be the best way to ignite the new year to a start.. =)

This coming new year, I am stronger, wiser, sharper and more sensitive...
Nothing can beat me down... It's another year that God is going to stretch me again...
Another year of becoming a stronger warrior that would victors over battles...
Why am I so sure?

I have a God who is truly, the King of kings, the Lord of all...
And He said, "You are to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, the salt and light of the Earth! When I am with you, no one can come against you!"

Start the year strong peers! =)

This photo was taken by Ps. Phil Phringle... I just love following his tweets.. It's a beautiful picture... Everyday, God just came with a new image, a new scenery... None of the day it's the same...
For God is able to do more abundantly, to bring forth new things that none of us can ever expect..
No wonder He says that His thoughts are higher than ours. What can you think? He can think a hundred times, or even an infinite time better than that.
If all the artists in the world can draw beautiful image out of their creativity, God can do even greater than that.

A wonderful God, He is.  =)
Thank You for giving me the right, the opportunity to be Your children.
I love You my Heavenly Father. <3

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