Sunday, March 06, 2011

I'm back =)


Wow,it's been a while since I last updated my blog.
3 months plus, truly backslide from being a faithful blogger all these while. Haha.. 

So, how have life been? I would say this year is truly indeed a tough year. Challenges keep coming, and I felt that everyday I am in fact running and racing against time. Sometimes I truly wondered, can I stop down and take some breath before I continue running? But, I guess not.


I hope I didn't write it wrongly. This is a year that I can also start seeing even more things, seeing through people, knowing things even better, but perhaps, this is part of growing up anyway. 

Despite having more and more things coming, I thank God because He never failed to just touch me and lift me up again and again. Sometimes, I felt so disappointed with myself because I just feel so weak at times. However, He always reminded me that "Hey,I am around. No worries my son."

Yes, I have big dreams, fire to be sent out by God, want to do more for Him, but there's a process before being used by God for the real purpose. It's not easy. 

It reminds me of Ps. Phil's sermon. Conceiving, birthing the future. It's a thing to have a dream or a calling from God, but it's another thing to have that dream and calling to come to past. Isn't it true? 

Many people are happy when they know God has a plan for them, happy that God wants to prosper them. Yet, they never take the initiative to understand the need of other important elements. Obedience. Faith. Love. Perseverance. 

It's pretty late now, guess I would continue again another time. Anyway, it's just a midnight random thoughts. =)

For whatever is going to come, always believe in one thing that ; LIFE IS GOOD.  

It's not just good, but it's really good. 
Anticipating for my cell group multiplication this week.  =)

He is doing His job, and I am going to do even more.
For His Kingdom was meant to be great. 
His Kingdom shall never stop multiplying, growing and expanding. 

Thank You , Father. =)


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