Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pre-revision - warming up my mind.

10 days to the first paper. 21 days to the final paper.
In between of this period, guess I am going to be like a mad person, probably not answering phone calls, replying messages or anything. Or perhaps, the other way round which would be more preferable?
I think it's almost time that I resist the temptations to sleep more but to do work more, revised more, and to finish it ; no more disappointment for the people who has high hope on me.

Just as the year is coming to an end, I am glad that there are a lot of things have been done, I have been through some of the darkest nightmares that I should not have, overcoming the emotional ME, doing more than what I can, and eventually, slowly knowing who am I meant to be.

Lately, I have an image, yes.. of a stage.
I guess I know what it means. There are also reminder, have NO FEAR.
After all, KNOWING your purpose and CONCEIVING your purpose, and allowing your purpose to come to BIRTH are different thing. I learned it from Ps. Phil Phringle =)

Whatever it has to come, I will be an overcomer.
The substance in me, is that I am a man of Faith and Love. Of course, I live my life knowing always there is HOPE. Guess that's what Paul reminded us that these are the three things that will last forever, even till the end of the days. 
That's what runs in me, and it keeps me running.
Gonna finish this race, and all the glory shall goes to You =)
I am gonna be stronger!

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