Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nothing. =)

It is seriously a great thing to know that guys are made with various compartments in their brain in which one is called; nothing.

There are times, we just don't feel like doing anything. Haha...
I would seriously agree with the thoughts.

I also don't really understand why am I here sitting down, and blog after not blogging for so long.

Perhaps, I just want to thank God for so many things that has happened in my life lately.
Thought I have not been receiving a lot of blessings, but still God has been faithful and good to me.

First of all, I got a nice placement over in Royal Selangor, training under the Industrial Engineering Department, learning to be an Industrial Engineer. Good supervisor who willing to let me go hands on in doing many things. Of course, there's an auntie there who willing to teach me a lot of things too. How great is that? =)

Secondly, thank God because I was so protected by Him. It was the first time in my life that I felt that the time suddenly goes so slow. One second feels like one minute. I was nearly robbed and snatched off my necklace. But too bad, God just make me feel like bending my head and move into the car that the snatch theft only get to grab my hair. ~~@!#@$@#$%@# Stupid guy, messed up my hair when I set my hair. =p Just kidding..

Thirdly, thank God because I have found a new house. It was a good landlord. Gave me the key earlier by one month. So negotiable. Gave us a fridge, stove, new fans, new heaters. Even when I ask can he fix the light for us, things are okay. But guess what, it's because he said I am a CHRISTIAN. Haha!

Well, I still remember that my pastor preached on something. I can't remember the topic. It was talking about how people think of Christians. There was this part that many Christians have these bad personality on them. They always think that being a Christian, then they should have special discounts and privilege in anything.

However, when I talked to the landlord, I didn't think of all this. In fact, I just pray to God that the landlord would be kind enough to offer us the basic necessities like the stove and fridge because we want to save money together by cooking. Without those, how are we going to keep the vegetables, meats and etc kan? =)

In the end, they are just so nice. Willing to give me a key before one month moving in. Fixing everything nicely and treating me real good. The landlord didn't even pull a face or being ignorant and prideful, but it fact, when he text me he calls me "Bro!"
Isn't it nice?

Just yesterday, I was walking up the stairs when I am working. Then it just crossed my mind one thing. "How blind people go up stairs?"
I closed my eyes, and started walking up the stairs. It was difficult.
Later on that day as I was walking back home after working, I passed by a construction site. All out of a sudden, so many dust just fly out of the site and actually something flew into my eyes.

It was so pain that I keep rubbing my eyes, washing it with water but nothing came out of it. On that night, it was my first time leading the newly multiplied cell group meeting, preaching on that night too. However, my eyes are so pain, teary, swollen and reddish.

Right after the cell group meeting, I could no longer bear the pain. Went to see a doctor. After the doctor washed it for me, things remain the same. Still pain. The treatment cost me a bomb. ><""
In the end, lie on my bed with my eyes pain killing me softly, I eventually went to bed.
Believing that God will heal me, in the morning the dust eventually comes out and my eyes are healed! =)
Though it was still swollen, but everything was good.
Thank God.

Besides, God has been blessing my family well. Dad got a Hilux from the company to drive. It reduces my worry for him as he travels a lot.

Mum now working as a supervisor, less stress. Good for her. =)

My brothers are all seems to be doing fine. Besides stress from work. Yet, God has been protecting them.

As for me, God... I know that you are faithful.
I see good things, and more blessings on the way.
Patience will fruits a good character to be good enough to receive the blessings that you are going to bless me with.

Thank You, my Faithful Heavenly Father. =) 
Though I am not perfect and still make mistakes day after day, yet You never give up on me. Always holding my hand tightly.

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