Monday, April 04, 2011

I miss my grandpa. =)

I miss my grandpa.
Been holding back my feelings for a number of days ever since Keith talked bout his dad's death.

Yes, my grandpa.
He left me when I was only 14, and barely 15.
Still a kid, who are so bad and rebellious.
Just a glance of it, it has been almost 8 years now.
Besides God, my parents, siblings, relatives, he is the one who doted me the most.

A man who taught me many important things; respect, courtesy, manners, love, to be filial, of which I still kept with me till today.

As I am currently attached to Royal Selangor International for my industrial training (internship), I worked together with many elderly people ; uncles and aunties who have been with the company loyally for more than 10 years which some reaches 30 years.

Everyday, they just reminded me of my grandpa.
He work, yes, he worked for probably his whole life.
Even to the late years when he is dying, he was still trying to work.

I still remember he work at the Singapore Changi Airport before he collapsed due to a stomachache which later on, he was diagnosed with a colon cancer.

It always runs in my mind on how adorable he is, when he always keep McDonald's coupon just for my siblings and I, anticipating for us to go visit him in Singapore over at Serangoon Central. He was always waiting because we are not rich, and we hardly have the chance to travel to Singapore and he knew, my daddy don't like to bring us to go McD.
Two reasons ; expensive and not healthy.

Yes, I still know where the unit is, the nice Kopi-O opposite the flat, and also the scent of the old house.
I never forget.

He's truly a man, never say pain even though it was so pain. Tears flowing down his eyes as he tries to bear the pain he has to suffer before he is dying. How did I know? His pillow told us that. Every night, before he slept he was crying because the pain is too much for him to bear, but he never tell us. Just as we thought the air-conditioner is not working and it's too hot, in fact he was suffering from pain of which we never know; until the day he dies.

The doctor said he is a strong man. How could someone eventually bear such a pain? My tears couldn't stop flowing when I heard it.

Though I don't have much time with him, only the last few months that he spent over at my house before he left me, that was some sort like the most unforgettable memory I have with him.

I felt like, it's still yesterday. But now, he left.
I still remember the early morning.
My phone nearly dropped on the floor which wakes me up.

As I run to the ward, I could still hear the sound.
"Tit... tit.... tit...."
Then, the last moments of him are just so fast.
The next thing I could only hear after some time was only a long beep.
I couldn't even say bye, or to tell him I love him.

Just something that has been stirring inside of me lately. Yes..

My tears, be good.
Good boy don't cry. =)

God, protect him. He is a nice guy. You knew that. =)
Bless him, because he blessed my life too through having my mum, my uncles.
Let his soul and spirit be with you.
Let there be peace with him for you are the true God, the God of all.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why... But when I read this post something stirred inside of me... I guess the most important thing is to treasure the moments that we spend with our loved ones and not take things for granted. It's so easy to forget that they won't be around forever... Take care bro
