Monday, August 01, 2011

What a season in life..

Truly in life, there are many seasons in life... Which seasons are you in now my dear bloggie readers? *winks*

Came across this lovely image (google-d so that my blog won't be so bored) Haha..
Yeah, that's right.. What season is everyone in?

Went for a gathering with my fellow hometown friends, and it seems like.. It's a season for breaking up? OMGs.. Haha.. Anyhow, not exactly I supposed. 

Yeah it's true that some are going through some pain and sorrows after breaking up. As for some, still having their sweet time.. Some still stays the same, while some got worse. Whatever it is, I still have to ensure that I don't hibernate through this season of mine, but to keep going regardless it is a freezing winter, freaking hot summer, lovely autumn, or the breezing spring. 

In a season of growth I am, continuously having different trials and tribulations, challenges and standing up after failures for the past one whole year and right now, I am still in a battle.. Yeah, time flies. It felt like just yesterday only I have just fell, but I am glad here I am, still standing and blogging bout my life. Not sad, not complaining, but I am grateful to my God for leading me all these while. 

Lately, I was surprised and at the same time glad that two of my good old friends back at hometown actually dropped by here, and found out what's going on with my life. There are not just passers-by...
but they are dearly to me who have words that often motivates me. Thanks to my all time dear Mikka and of course,Choon.

After two years being single, yeah, officially being single, I am looking forward to have a much more stable life. *wondering* 

Where is that someone whom I can once again believe that true love between man and woman do exist, dreams can be shared, and a future that's not just about me,myself and I, but it's about us, us, and us?

17 days away from my first paper. 27 days to finish up this diploma. Let's finish it Dave, you had enough of the people despising look at you, and those who insulted your God. Let's give your best shot. =)

 This is a nice song to share with you guys. Ivan Handojo - Pada Waktunya. He came to my church during our soft opening. A young and talented singer. =) 

Ada waktu untuk menangis, ketawa dan bertahan saja. Friends,semua yang terjadi di dalam kehidupan kita bukanlah segala-galanya, tetapi apa yang terpenting sekali adalah pada akhirnya, pada waktunya, semua akan menjadi indah. Inilah apa yang saya percaya.

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